Money Management Posts

  This post is dedicated to the artist SLART, who inspires me in his explorations of his creative process and his promotional process of his art.   We have a goal. If we hold it with confidence, we may forget to hold it creatively, so......

Reversals: Joy in Sudden Disappointment In the Tarot, a reversed card has equal significance to an upright card. Not only that: its significance upside-down is often quite different (although related to) what it means right-side-up. In life, especially on your journey to a goal, a......

Money & Spiritual Alignment The two go together: money and spiritual alignment with the money you have–and want. You can’t have one without the other. In fact, I suggest you work on spiritually alignment with the money you want at least in tandem with going......

Sometimes we need something. We need that thing, here, in the material world. It is enough to ask. We don’t need to ask countless times. We don’t need to hyperfocus, only focus on the thing we need, and describe it to the Universe in endless......

Job Changers Who is a job changer? A job changer is someone Trying to change jobs or Trying to change the job they have or “Quietly quitting” or considering doing so.   Burnout Burnout is everywhere in the job changing process. It’s what motivates job......

We all want peace, serenity, and we all want abundance. How do we get the good/ies? Instructions! These instructions tell us how to get the good(ies): Focus and not wasting, husbanding (storing & sparing use of resources) = flow. It’s not about stockpiling or hoarding.......

Buddha’s Eight Great Awakenings as They Apply to Abundance I’m studying the Eight Great Awakenings which Buddha offered near the end of his life, with commentary by Dogen Zenji.* I am applying them to money to see what emerges. This is what I have for......

God Talks to Us Through Money I was in a meeting recently with someone who told me that in 40 years of theological training he had never heard anything to substantiate my claim that God talks to us through money. I found this disturbing and......

Enjoy: Click on the video for a guided meditation + discussion of points raised in this blog post.   Money Flows Like Water Money flows like water: build your channels! Money is like water in lots of ways. We “spend money like water,” for example.......

  The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is like the law of magnetism in three ways: it governs the attraction of one thing for another. It is predictable. It’s invisible. You can’t watch the attraction happening, although you see its effects. But invisibility......

It is Essential to Take Risks with Money Risk Cannot Be Avoided We are human beings. Even those among us who are psychic are unable to forecast the future with perfect clarity. Thus, we will always find ourselves in the position of taking risks with......

Obstacles to Abundance and Contentment There are three obstacles to abundance and contentment. They are not what you think! They are Lying Ignoring Being too smart. Contentment is Abundance Contentment is abundance. It’s one very immediate, and immediately gratifying form of abundance. (If you need convincing,......

An Interesting Money “Thing” One of the most interesting things I’ve done recently with money involved listening to a podcast. Now, I (almost) never listen to anyone else’s wisdom. I read–a lot! But I seldom listen to podcasts. This one, though, got my attention–and kept......

Wanting More Than What We Have is a Gift We work and we work. We have so much money, and no more. So much time, and never enough. Our focus is focused but not on what we want. Our mindset, truthfully, is tattered, and blown......

Shame Is an Oversimplification You Can’t Afford Shame is an oversimplification you can’t afford. It cuts you off from what you need. What you need wants to come to you. But it can’t, with shame in the way. Go after shame. Pursue it passionately—and you......

Emergency The subject line of her email was “Money Emergency” My client Sharon Marz* needed help. ASAP. She made clear it wasn’t “like, an ambulance emergency, but like, oh no this needs addressing asap.” And then she added: Thank you!!! As soon as you have......

Money for Your Calling is Here For years and years, we’ve offered fundraising consulting and money coaching–fundraising to organizations, and moneycoaching for individuals. That’s because one of the most important ways to manifest what you care about–your calling–is to find the funds for it. Callings......

How I Practice Reparations for Peaceful, Ethical Money Flow This post is about how to practice reparations. It’s not an argument for reparations. If you want one, this is stellar and crystallized things for me. For RAISING CLARITY, it is beyond obvious that money in......

Being Helped to Heaven: Money and Manifestation All Year ‘Round The seasons are very important to us humans here on Earth. The Earth energies matter to our human endeavors. When we seek to manifest–to bring something from the spiritual or ideal realm into the physical......

Structure = Peace within Abundance Abundance is Chaos is Flow It may not feel like it but what you’re experiencing right now? That’s abundance. Yup, it feels just like chaos. That’s because you need more structure. Structure = peace within abundance. Abundance without structure feels......

Are You Hard to Help? Take Our Simple Quiz Question 1. Do you consistently feel there’s no help? Answers: No Did you answer “no”? Great! You already know what is in this post. Yes Did you answer “yes”? Great! This post is for you. And......

Clarity and Abundance Help You “Check” Your Privilege Many will tell you to check your privilege. In this post, RAISING CLARITY punningly encourages you to “check” your privilege with clarity and abundance that are actively anti-racist and anti-classist. A lot of people feel conflict about......

No: What Has It to Do with Abundance? Last week, I had reason to send a friend these lines I have quoted to you in the past, RAISING CLARITY blog reader: Walk around feeling like a leaf. Know you could tumble any second. Then decide......

How to Have More Without Working For It Why do we blog so much about time, spaciousness, and sanity? Because peaceful, ethical money management and nonprofit fundraising require them. I realized recently I needed to spell these things out: Have more of what you want......

Abundance Requires Emptiness Right about this time of year, I find myself thinking: The Universe must think I’m a badass (because the Universe never gives you anything you can’t handle). (Of course you’ve seen this on social media. It’s not my original quotation!) When my......

The Garden-Story of Your Life One person’s life is their garden. Their story. But it can be hard to see your own life that way. The Garden of Your Life Your life-garden can look like it’s just…growing. Thriving, maybe. Overgrown, maybe. Even desolate, maybe. Structure......

A few weeks back, I mused about the period in my childhood that came “before I discovered doing.”  This, I reminded myself, was where RAISING CLARITY comes from: the return to that state, because “before I discovered doing, there was being.” In response to that......

I Am Never Busy I was in a meeting recently where one person said, compassionately, “I know we’re all busy people,” and there were a whole unspoken list of things this meant about what we had accomplished on the topic, what we could expect to......

Before I Discovered Doing, There Was Being Before I discovered doing, there was being. Being was complete unto itself. Being was its own reward. Being was abundance. Untold, unobscured, primal, primary, primordial, pure. There was a time before I discovered doing. And equated it with......

Why Are Limits? I notice I have limits. What are they doing there? This is an important question to ask. I hope you’ll see why in this post. This is an exploration requiring careful observation. It’s too easy to assume all our limits are bad......

Stepping into Abundance Can Mean Feeling Like a Fraud You know, stepping into abundance can mean feeling like a fraud for a little while. (I originally titled this post, “Stepping into Your Best Self Can Mean Feeling Like a Fraud,” til I realized that what......

Who is Your Mother? My relationship with my mother stank some of the time. Maybe you can relate. (Maybe not; I’d love to hear.) It was also one of the most powerful relationships of my life. It remains a relationship that defines me–even though my......

Feel Your Wealth and Make Space for What Matters I was going to take quite a few days getting to and from a spiritual workshop led by a soul-colleague. But I kept not being able to decide(for months) whether I should go. It was a......

The Wisdom of What’s Enough: How to Cultivate It What is enough? How do you know when you’ve found it? It’s worth your time discerning the answers. When do you have enough of what you want? This is the wisdom of what’s enough. Your wisdom. Your......

Procrastinate Your Way to Inner Peace and Abundance The New York Times recently ran a quite compassionate article on procrastination. I want to improve on it, however. You can procrastinate your way to inner peace and abundance. RAISING CLARITY on procrastination will help you. First......

Setting Money Boundaries All of us need to learn how to set good money boundaries. One of the pre-eminent Money Magician qualities is knowing how to negotiate money. (It’s also a good Warrior quality. For my take on all the money archetypes, click here). Savvy......

What Are You Buying That’s Already Yours? It has long been understood that capitalism evolves by claiming things that exist outside of the market dynamic and turning them into market commodities for sale and purchase.* This is not wild-eyed “commie” madness. This is our current......

Find Your True Fun Let every day be a valentine to yourself: find your true fun, and go after it. What Is Important to YOU? RAISING CLARITY is all about clarifying what’s important to you. Many of our posts take it quite seriously to help......

Capitalism and What’s Important It’s important to distinguish between capitalism and what’s important when it comes to money. It’s vital we understand that when it comes to money–and all we have attached to it emotionally–we are not living in neutral territory. We are living in......

  Money Doesn’t Buy Anything Important I had a wonderful comment about a recent post from my soul-colleague Marissa. Last week, when I wrote, “Money doesn’t buy anything important,” Marissa questioned me: ….Having a beautiful house to live in and a kitchen to cook in......

When I say “Don’t let money get in the way,” I don’t mean you should run up your credit card bills! I Also Don’t Mean When I say: don’t make it the most important thing, don’t let fear of it or not having it drive......

Not Letting Money Rule the Galaxy Money is only useful in exchange. Keep some back in savings, but mostly buy what you love, pay others well, and give it away. Keep it moving. The point is to be able to live as you want. Money......

Don’t Let Money Get in the Way Don’t let money get in the way of your peace. I encourage you not to let it get in the way of your parenting. And I definitely want you to pay attention to letting it get in the......

After the High–What? Money Wisdom Our culture loves the high–fast, intense, busy times, places, people. These are not typically times of great wisdom. There’s a reason we use the same word as for a drug “high.” We are somewhat stupefied by highs. We are stupefied......

  Taking Time Off Takes Practice I have realized that taking time off takes practice. This is written from a tin-roofed cabin on a rainy Saturday morning. I am taking off this day. I am writing you from a place (literally and spiritually) of deep......

A Reader Looks Deeply into Money Before spending money, I remember others. Am I helping them? I remember self. Am I helping me? Is my spending kind? Is my spending from the heart in self-care? Is my spending from the heart in caring-for? This was......

Money Gathas Are Mindfulness RAISING CLARITY helps people become peaceful and ethical with money. One way to do this is literally to use your experience of money as a mindfulness experience! Gathas are for mindfulness. For more about gathas, see our post here. The point......

Abundance = Giving Thanks There isn’t any other equation for abundance. It’s very simple. Just give thanks. You not only feel abundant, you actually are. What you are feeling when you experience gratitude is abundance. If you don’t get this, no problem. It’s complicated how......

Participate in Looking Deeply into Money You can participate in looking deeply into money with RAISING CLARITY in two ways: Contribute a gatha helping others look deeply into money. Use the gathas to help you look deeply into money. Why? I learned about gathas from......

What Do You Worship? Do you know? Let me show you how to find out: what goal, priority, value, ideal is most important to you? And now tell me: is there anything you put above that? Before that? Ahead of that? In time, energy, or......

Meet A Spiritual Teacher: Money In this recent post, we “came out” about what we do here at RAISING CLARITY: help you not make money an obstacle to your spiritual realization. In fact, money can be a powerful spiritual teacher–and a kick in the spiritual......

Money is No Obstacle to the Spiritual World The title of this post is a pun: Money is no obstacle in the spiritual world. If you’ve been following along by doing our first thought-experiment, and then our second, you’ll know this right away: The strength......

Greetings! If you did the thought-experiment that prepares you for this post, you now have a quite clear idea of what the spiritual world looks like to you yourself in it, and what’s important in it. You also have a clear idea of the material......

Try Acting as If There is No Material World When you try acting as if there is no material world, you learn fruitful things about money, money-making, money management, and fundraising. Try this thought-experiment with me. Step One: What is There if There’s No Material......

Wealth is Where We Are Heaven is the place where you think of nowhere else. –Pico Iyer, The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere I love this quote for its sneakiness. It’s a pun. Yes, that place in the sky called Heaven is the......

What Difference Does the Equinox Make for Fundraising? Fundraising is affected by all kinds of factors larger than itself: natural disasters, the school year, national holidays, political crises are some of the biggies. One of these larger factors is the turning of the year–seasonal cycles.......

Power Yourself, Money Magicians! The Fall Equinox is Coming (and the Energy is Alive Throughout Fall!) Money magicians, what do you want to manifest this coming year? The Fall Equinox kicked off Nature’s new year. We want to use those seasonal energies to help us......

Who’s a Money Magician? You are. We are. In her comment to this recent post, our reader Danielle again revealed herself to be a Magician. She does this all the time. (My blog search software doesn’t search the comments to this blog, but Danielle comments......

Ask the Price Everything costs. Everything benefits. The question is whether the benefit is worth the cost. You can language this any way you like. If it brings you good, you probably had to invest something in it: time, money, energy, worry, caring. Do you......

Hot Tip: Decide You’re Caught Up When I’m stressing about time, I decide that I’m caught up. Here’s my advice about this hot tip: why, how and when to use it. Why to Decide Reason #1: The fact is if we left the planet tomorrow,......

If privilege is a blessing, why doesn’t it feel like one? In a recent post, I felt blessed looking into my jar of trail mix. And privileged.  And then blessed. Privilege is a Blessing Lately we learn that privilege is a curse, something illegitimate we......

Looking Deeply and Seeing Abundance in My Jar of Trail Mix I keep a jar of trail mix at my desk. The other day, I was looking into it. OK, I’ll be honest: I was…meditating on my jar of trail mix. I didn’t even try.......

What Are Five Things to Do with Money Fears? We thought you’d never ask. This post was inspired (again!) by Darryl Burks’s comment to last week’s post. (We are taking this post in a different direction from his comment, but still, he inspired it.) There......

Why Do We Say Freedom Includes Peace with Money? We help people have peace with money through our moneycoaching and fundraising. But we’re not so naive or self-centered as to think that peace with money is all it takes to have freedom. That’s why we......

Stop Struggling to Balance Money & Freedom The first step: awareness. Are you struggling with this balancing act we’re talking about? Pay attention to cultural messages you have received that say “you can’t have it all.” Break Down the Cultural Messages The message, “you can’t......

What Are You Selling? The question caught me unawares, so I thought I’d ask you. 😆 What are you selling? I had no immediate answer when the questioner arrived at my booth table (see photo above). But at every other booth, someone was selling something.......

Wealth-Building That is Good for You & Nature. Our recent post building up to this one was a cliffhanger: there is no contradiction between asking for what you really want and the greater good.  Also, there is is no way you can manipulate the greater......

Working with the Wider Unfolding for Wealth RAISING CLARITY will in this post clarify what is and isn’t working with the wider unfolding for wealth–your own and others’. We will clarify what’s not working–in the sense of functional–about most people’s conceptions–and also what “counts” as......

How to Stop Obsessing About Your Work Here is how to stop obsessing about your work.  Embedded in the three steps below are good reasons why to stop obsessing about your work. The main reason: it’s not working! (Pun intended). Notice You Are Obsessing I’m......

Collaborative wealth: Who, me? Yes, you. Collaborative wealth is receiving wealth by helping each other have wealth while relinquishing control over what we each do with it. It’s all about you. And everyone else. This takes a lot of trust. Collaborative wealth helps you have......

  Collaborative Wealth: How Do You Make It Happen? In this short series, I’m exploring the why, what, how, and who of something I think I invented: “collaborative wealth.” The “Why?” post shared the concept. The “What?” post detailed it. Today, I want to explore......

Collaborative Wealth: What Is It? Collaborative wealth is wealth you own and I help you make. Likewise: it’s wealth you help me make and I own. I mean: you don’t decide how to spend mine and I don’t decide how to spend yours. We just......

Collaborative Wealth What is up with the idea of collaborative wealth? It’s no secret: if you collaborate, you have more money and you spend less. Why, then, is the very phrase “collaborative wealth” or “collaborative money” so totally weird-sounding? And not even hardly a search......

Livelihood: Going Beyond the Known Recently, I offered three principles to help you decide what work to choose to sustain yourself. This post tells you that when it comes to livelihood, you can safely go beyond the known. Both posts are answers to readers’ questions.......

For More Money, Don’t Do What Anyone Tells You: Advice is a Pig in a Poke Be careful with advice. Including mine. Advice is a “pig in a poke,” because you haven’t any idea what you’re getting. There’s something in there, but you haven’t any......

How to Use Time to Have Money Responding to my post, “Make Time to Have Money,” a perspicacious RAISING CLARITY blog reader and soul-colleague asked, Dude, Can you give a variety of examples? Like, are we talking about making time to manage money (even if......

  Make Time to Have Money You may wonder why you don’t have more money when you work harder for it. The reason is that you need to do less, not more, to have more money. At least initially. Whether you want to make more......

Whether you’re reading this as a fundraiser, entrepreneur, wage-earner, or simply a would-be peaceful and ethical money manager, you may be letting money “turn you around.” If you’re in a nonprofit, your fears about fundraising will make you ask a question like I was asked......

Livelihood is a Big Deal I was fascinated to see four rich, substantive comments about last week’s post on discerning livelihood. If you haven’t read them, go back and do so. They are as interesting as the post itself, dimensions of it explored, really. And......

  What Makes Crystals So Powerful? Crystals are transparent solid powerfully present. How to Embody Crystal Qualities When it Comes to Money Transparency: Learn to hide nothing when it comes to money. Speak your truth about what matters to you about money–and what doesn’t. Start......

Where Will You Focus?: Wisdom is Choosing As you can see from this image, focus makes all the difference. It’s all out there, the whole “blooming, buzzing” Universe. Focus tailors it for us. Our apps, software and other aptly named “devices” promise “we will help......

How to Re-Write Your Money Story You can learn how to re-write your money story. Take an eraser to parts of your past and re-write them using the instructions in this post. Then re-write the future! Why Re-Write Your Money Story? Have you ever noticed......

Peace with Money is a Gift Beyond Deserving The title of this post is a play on words. If we want peace with money, we have to go beyond “deserving.” is a gift beyond deserving: Peace with money is a gift you can’t deserve, because......

  Can You Say Yes and No When It Comes to Money? Well, can you? Be honest. If you can, celebrate! And celebrate yourself! Comment here how you do it. If you can’t say a firm, clear “no” when it comes to money, you’ve already......

Learning How to Be Rich Starts with Feeling Rich This is a follow-on to last week’s post, “How to Feel Rich.” Responses to that post have been wondrous. I intend to rely on them for this post, so you might want to check them out......

“Feeling Rich” This post explores my peacefulness with money in the direction I call “feeling rich.” Feeling rich is a state I notice with gratitude and some surprise I am in quite often–much more now than I used to be. I associate this with liking......

I Am at Peace with Money This blog promotes RAISING CLARITY by being useful. Right now, I have everything I want when it comes to money: I am at peace with money. I am doing peaceful, ethical fundraising consulting and money management coaching and it......

By Definition, You Can’t Steal Abundance There are no two ways around it: you can’t steal abundance. If it’s yours, you aren’t stealing. If you’re stealing, it’s not abundance. Stealing is Unethical It recently occurred to me I should mention these things. Someone in my......

Time Now to Have More Time We’re zeroing in on how you can have more time. You’ll need this now that it’s Fall and everyone else is going crazy. Then you’ll need it come mid-November as the holidays roll in. This exploration is inspired by......

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