How to DO Wealth-Building that is Good for You & Nature

How to DO Wealth-Building that is Good for You & Nature

torso and legs of a woman whose feet are becoming tree roots

Here is how to DO wealth-building that is good for you & Nature. Doing will put down roots as this tree-woman’s legs and feet in the sunshine flow nourishment into deep, well-watered roots. Image by DG-RA.

How to DO Wealth-Building that is Good for You & Nature

This is our third post in a three-part series.  The whole series came from realizing in this post that wealth-building that is good for you & Nature needed to be explored in a lot more detail. We started our exploration of wealth-building that’s good for you & Nature and continued last week exploring how to do it by first thinking about it! Thinking before doing is so important, saves so much time (money, energy) and saves Nature many of our mistakes.

Now, in this week’s post, we’ll close the series by exploring how you do what you thought about so wisely last week.

Doing Comes Second

Why does doing comes second? We took one whole post coaching you in how to explore in your mind your unique, individual ways of building wealth that are good for you and that are good for Nature.

Doing comes second because:

  1. You are simply part of Nature. There’s really no “getting one over” on Nature. You’ll just pay for it, we’ll all pay for it, and our children will pay for it sooner than later. So we have to stop acting like we can build wealth at “Nature’s” expense. It’s at our expense when we do That.
  2. You can’t have a desire to build wealth that will override Nature or the wider/greater good. So don’t worry about your desires. Instead, think about how to manifest them in accordance with #1.
  3. Which is why doing comes second. What comes first?

Thinking Comes First

OK, you know the answer. And by now, you’ve done the “homework.” You have thought your thoughts, felt your feelings in the way you were guided in our last post, and you have generated true wisdom–and a plan.

Work Your  Plan

The point of having a plan–a wise plan like you dreamed and sketched–is working it. RAISING CLARITY is about planning your work, and working your plan. Revise and repeat! By “revise,” we mean Revise the Plan in Light of Working the Plan. Don’t keep doing the same plan over and over that doesn’t work the best you can get it to work! Work and learn, then revise til it’s right. (Right simply = how you like it).

Some Tips

  1. Figure out what resources you truly need. Resources can mean money, but they definitely will be time and headspace to act. Budget your time.  (Note: As far as figuring out the money goes, when you know how much money you need, you will not have a complete budget. You will have the expenses side of a budget.)
  2. Talk it up. Get allies. Make strategic friendships. These are friendships in service to your higher purpose, not people you “use.” Expect to be asked to serve your allies’ higher purposes as well.
  3. Figure out how to get the money you need initially to do your plan. Ask your allies for money, set aside your own money, sell things you don’t need, take out a loan if that’s really smart for you to do, think up other ways to raise funds. Contact us for fundraising consulting if you like. You might not be used to thinking of yourself needing to become a fundraiser; we think it’s a useful skill most people can use.
  4. Keep at it. But don’t struggle. Wherever you start to struggle, step back, and return to thinking. If what you want is consonant with what is good for you & Nature, if you don’t get what you want, it’s unusual. The Universe wants to give you what you want. So you are probably getting in your own way! That’s why doing the suggestions in our thinking post will help you. And bless you.
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