22 Jan Money & Spiritual Alignment

More money & spiritual alignment go together just like the amazing alignment of this ballet dancer on pointe with their leg extended behind them at over 90 degrees, trailed by a huge white band of fabric they are clasping in their hands. The fabric dwarfs the dancer because it is at least three times larger than they are. This is the unseen force behind the way each of us appears in the world. Image by Vladislav83 from Pixabay.
Money & Spiritual Alignment
The two go together: money and spiritual alignment with the money you have–and want.
You can’t have one without the other. In fact, I suggest you work on spiritually alignment with the money you want at least in tandem with going after more money. If not before! This is my approach as a moneycoach. Here is what I know.
A Short Story
One of my clients was surprised when I went there (spiritual alignment with the money we want) and even more surprised when wouldn’t budge til we stayed there long enough to build a firm spiritual foundation under their new income level they are working with me to achieve.
I am happy to say we did this.
Learn from My Experience–as a Coach and Money-Haver
We can take and know and try to use all the wonderful marketing tools and programs in the world. If inside, we hate what we’re doing, or hate money, or hate the new income level, we will have a hard time.
We can take and know and try to use all the wonderful marketing tools and programs in the world. If inside, we hate what we’re doing, or hate money, or hate the new income level, we will have a hard time.
It’s Not All About Rationality (or the Mind)
It is fine that we rationally know we deserve more income. It is great that we have studied how to market our work authentically.
Those are vital tools.
But there is a “ring pass not,” a barrier–a bridge that is missing that will shut us down if we don’t build it. If we don’t get right within ourselves about the new inflow being ok with us—spiritually.
It’s worth the work to develop the new understandings, new insights, new self-love or sense of G-d loving us until we feel right with receiving more—or we might as well just stop. And I do really mean feeling deeply right, not spiritually bypassing, convincing, or rationalizing ourselves past this step.
Don’t Skip this Step
This vital step gets stepped over and forgotten or kicked under the rug because we don’t like it. We don’t want it to be true—we want to be able to make whatever we want to make because someone told us we could, and we know intellectually we can. We may even resent Spirit and our spirit bossing us around. It’s so inconvenient!
But they’re not bossing us. We are–our ego, lower selves–resenting what is most precious about us. (One word for it: integrity!)
What’s Most Precious
What’s most precious in us deserves a strong say.
What’s most precious in us deserves a strong say.
We are not stupid or wrong or backward or self-hating because we want to be in spiritual alignment before we put ourselves out into the world and ask for more. We are wise!
And we know deep within ourselves there is something a lot more important than worldly things, and we ignore this at our peril.
It’s the Fastest Way if You Are Sensitive, and Awake
There is ample time for worldly things like increasing our income! It comes so so quick when we are in alignment and know in our deepest being it is fine for us to have this new greater income.
It feels juicy and wonderful and it is worth waiting for.
And it is worth working within for.
Posted at 17:20h, 24 JanuaryI appreciate this, Beth! Inspires me to meditate on my inner worth and value for a bit 🙂
Posted at 14:18h, 25 JanuaryAnd more: I hope it inspires you to look at where you are, where you want to go, and what is in that space between ’em.