Don’t Let Money Get in the Way

Don’t Let Money Get in the Way

path in a park blocked by a chainlink gate that's partly open

Don’t let money get in the way, like this otherwise open, green, sunny path blocked for no reason by a silly fence. Image by Andrew Bowden.

Don’t Let Money Get in the Way

Don’t let money get in the way of your peace.

I encourage you not to let it get in the way of your parenting.

And I definitely want you to pay attention to letting it get in the way of human relationships.

Signs You are Letting It Get in the Way

Watch out for yourself doing these three things:

  1. Treating money as a reason to do or not do anything.
  2. Telling your kids, yourself, your partner, the people you work or volunteer with “we can’t,  we don’t have the money.”
  3. Not noticing right away when you are doing #1 or #2. (At first, your not noticing might be because it feels so normal. Later on, you may not notice because it feels shameful and you think you should know better, already).

Don’t Let Money Get in the Way

Money is connected with every other thing in your life. When you notice yourself letting it get in the way of your spiritual life, your peace, your parenting, your relationships:


  • You have made it the most important thing in your life.
    • In other words, you are like a lot of other people who have grown up in our culture.
  • It is possible to re-enculturate yourself anytime.

    • An easy powerful way to start is by noticing (see 1-3 above) and then working with the voices in your head. I can help. And it doesn’t take long. You can also help yourself by using a Council of Selves. Also see all our posts about money archetypes; they will help, too.

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