Removing What is Really Getting in the Way (it’s not what you think)

Removing What is Really Getting in the Way (it’s not what you think)

bearded, light-skinned person with hand against window, looking quietly desperately out onto rain

Removing what is really getting in the way: it’s not what you think. And I can help you figure out what it is. Image by Bruce Mars on Unsplash.

Removing What is Really Getting in the Way

Norman Withers wanted to apply for a leadership position, a creme de la creme opportunity that would build him a life and put him on a powerful career trajectory.

He had the quals. He had the skills. He’s a passionate, powerful leader. And a perfect fit. I knew this job was his.

It’s Not What You Think

There was just one problem: every time he needed to “brag” in his resume and cover letter, he freaked. Old pain surfaced. Trauma got in his way of even putting down on paper what he was capable of.

Even if You Try to Make It About What You Think…

He asked for my help editing and reviewing his application.

He wrote. I rewrote. He un-rewrote.

I started to un-un-rewrite…

And then I said: “stop.”

“What is really getting in the way here?”

“What is really getting in the way here? It’s not your writing.

“Let’s coach. Let me help you see what’s going on here, because this is a waste of your money, me editing your writing. I’m coaching you indirectly by editing your writing.”

Problem-Focused Coaching Can Be Faster

“Let me coach you directly so you can make the changes you need to make. In your approach, your writing—but more importantly, in seeing and releasing the old pain that keeps getting in your way.”

He agreed!

What Happens Then

We coached. One hour.

He successfully completed his application and submitted it.

(He asked for my opinion one last time, but I knew my work with him had gone so deep, he didn’t need my opinion: he had his own, fresh, clear, opinion of himself, and his ability to claim this job powerfully, beyond all past hurt.)

Now You Have a Choice

If the answer to your problem is escaping you, you probably don’t understand the problem.

It is easy to mistake where the problem lies. It’s common to assume it’s somethingyou can handle with your normal, everyday skillset.

But sometimes it’s not. Sometimes what’s getting in your way is a deeper blockage you hadn’t seen yet.

Removing What is Really Getting in the Way


If you read this blog frequently, you get a lot of help already learning to see yourself in greater depth: our

Investing in Yourself

Please, though, if a blog post is not enough: let me help you focus, fast.

With problem-focused coaching that is truly RAISING CLARITY.

Or with my professional, acclaimed writing and editing to reflect the truest you in your work.

Or both!

Together, we will see and heal what’s really in the way. So you can move forward with clarity, confidence, and ease. And a lot less time and energy.

Plus, you will get to keep all the growth, self-knowledge, and healing for the next time!

It’s much less work for you, and a deeply effective investment.

Ask me for a quote by email: [email protected], or use the contact form right here.

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