03 Jun Promotion with Integrity is Healed

Promotion with Integrity is Healed: Diamond whose light reveals its hidden symmetry and includes all colors by Evie S. on Unsplash.
Promotion with Integrity is Healed
All of these words have the same root.
Promotion with Integrity heals us and our promotion of our work.
How is It Healing and Healed to do Our Promotion with Integrity?
It heals advice we’ve received about promoting our work (that we could not get to work for us).
And it heals lies we’ve told ourselves about our work.
It heals our pain at having told potential clients something more than was true about our work–or something less, downplaying our work because we were scared, shy, comparing ourselves to someone else, resistant, afraid, afraid, afraid.
Promoting our work with integrity heals how we write and speak about and demonstrate our work. It means we share our work in ways that are aligned with all our parts. In alignment, we share our work as as we do our work–and as uniquely. We are daring, creative, flowing, communicative of our love, wise, delighted to experiment and to improve.
My Manifesto for We Who Are Doing and Promoting Our Work in Ways that Are Healed:
It may not make sense to anyone else, but this is how we do it.
It may come across as too vulnerable to others, but this is the voice we speak in.
It may not meet a majority need, but we know there is a niche for it.
Self-acceptance and self-embrace are big for us. So is learning from others without copying them or wanting to. So is boldly following our best inner guidance!
When we love promoting our work, we are healed.
Guided Audio Meditation
Click here for my 7-minute guided meditation bringing healedness to your promotion of your work.
- Think about what it would mean to have healing in promoting your work: that area of your life would simply no longer be an issue. Notice that you would probably automatically begin to help other people with your light and wise, experiential teaching.
- Imagine healed promotion and how it feels. Know it is already happening when you connect within yourself and try out new promotional strategies that feel good to you, no matter how small, “crazy,” creative, never before seen. You have begun doing this.
- Ask: what kind of promotional issue am I having? The answers really can come from within you. Do you need the wisdom of:
speaking your truth?
Click on the color of the wisdom you need, and use the steps in the post to find the answers to your issue. You know much more than you think.
This is your chance for all-out visualization. What does successful promotion of your work LOOK like to your intuition or inner seeing? What do you look like promoting your work successfully? Seeing yourself successful is revealing.
How are you doing it? What new things are you doing? What are you doing better?
Thank for enjoying and using this series. To work with me implementing these things, click here.
Danielle Capillo
Posted at 12:54h, 17 MayThrough the guided meditation is was so revealing of where I have been with my work. I couldn’t actually shake this feeling of confinement, and feeling incapable. Limited by competition and lack of self-worth. It makes sense in one way but was very sad to come to terms with. I eventually stopped trying to change the feeling and just studied it. Let my dream time self feel as small and limited as they felt even surrounded by such beauty and potential. The relief of being accepted help to shift it a bit but still so unsure of myself, who I am serving and the worth of my work. I hope to return to this meditation with a feeling of openness and confidence.
Posted at 14:26h, 18 MayThank you! You sent me this on my birthday, Danielle–and almost a year after I posted this meditation. I believe this work is timeless, and you have shown me that. Namaste.