19 Mar Sharing With You: My First Book, Structure Magic!

I’m sharing with you my first book Structure Magic and its unique tools honed from the ancient arts of memory that allow you to remember the future you desire to create. Image: book front page, created by me using a patterned background by Vishal Vasnani on Unsplash.
Structure Magic
Structure is our magic wand. Let me show you how to use it in my first-ever published book, Structure Magic. This book reveals the magic your mind is capable of and teaches you how to use it to bring into your life what you’re seeking (ethically, of course).
Structure Magic Guides You
Structure Magic is a guide to manifestation through mental structuring using a set of simple, unusual tools you can’t find anywhere else.
You won’t find them elsewhere because these tools don’t exist elsewhere. I created and honed the tools in this book for my own use over many years based on ancient principles. These principles are the ancient arts of memory. For thousands of years–before writing was widely available in the West–they helped people remember the past.
Structure Magic, however, teaches you to remember the future.
The future you want to experience.
Structure Magic Teaches You to Remember the Future
Remembering the future is not as strange as it sounds. Most guides to manifestation will teach you to picture the future you want to experience.
What I find missing from these guides is the turbocharge we get when we structure our picture in specific ways—making it much clearer for the Universe to help us bring into being + easier for us to remember. With ethics structured in.
Structure is a Universal shorthand that turbocharges our intention.
Once you structure your mind to a concerted purpose, you manifest your purpose much more easily.
From the Founder of RAISING CLARITY
I began writing this book five years ago. At that time, I couldn’t see how to connect it to the core of RAISING CLARITY. But now, at RAISING CLARITY, I use, write about, and teach structure magic every day.
Posted at 13:15h, 12 JulyA beautifully written book full of wisdom and practical ideas around structure. Very useful to an artist like me who used to abhor structure! BUY IT NOW!
Posted at 15:10h, 12 JulySLART, what a generous comment, thank you! I’m delighted to be useful to an artist like you!
william christopher nixon
Posted at 00:04h, 21 MarchAt the end of the month i will get 3 copies
Posted at 13:13h, 21 MarchDear william, I am so grateful, thank you!