
Why and How Hard Copy Works We often get questions about whether hard-copy mailings are still worth it. And the short answer is, yes, definitely. The photograph above was taken at RAISING CLARITY’s nerve center. At top, you see the inspiration for this post. These...

Date Yourself: 3 Steps Can you make a date? With yourself? To get some guidance for your New Year? Or simply some spaciousness? Think of it as a one-person teaparty. Without the tea. (Unless you’re like me and that’s unthinkable.) First First, create a space...

Can we fall in love with the details of our work?  As a way of helping ourselves become more detail-conscious? (I prefer “detail-conscious” to “detail-oriented.”) Falling in Love with the Details Love is in the details.** Love of craft. Of self. Love of other. Love...