
We write to solve problems of peaceful, ethical money management and nonprofit fundraising. We invite your problems, please! The Public Trust is a Peaceful, Ethical Nonprofit Essential A soul-colleague wrote to us with a problem I’ve summarized and stripped of identifying details: A nonprofit Board...

Fundraising for Fledglings (new/start-up nonprofits and projects) I’ve spoken to two people recently about how easy it is to fundraise for start-up organizations or projects. These are what I mean by “fledglings.” There is something so adorable about new beings that it helps your fundraising....

We Take the Leap with You Greetings! soul-colleagues, loyal readers, and interested onlookers, Now Hear This: My clients have shown that RAISING CLARITY works with issues beyond your flow of funds: RAISING CLARITY coaching is effective with our clients’ self-development; family and relationship flow; and money flow. Today...

Appropriocrastinate “Appropriocrastinate” is a term I invented. It means to put something off until its right time. It combines “appropriate” and “procrastinate.” Its meaning is to procrastinate appropriately. How do you know when to use the term “appropriocrastinate”? You sense you are procrastinating and you...