Know Which Voice Is Talking: Step One

Know Which Voice Is Talking: Step One

black megaphone hanging over a black scribble of words like opinion and capitalism (in Portuguese) on a red background with the words in white at the left: Know Which Voice is Talking: Step One.

Know which voice is talking inside your head. There are a number of voices inside each of us. How do you distinguish among them? This is Step One of a seven-part series. Image by Ana Flávia on Unsplash.

Know Which Voice Is Talking: Step One

Sort out who’s talking inside your head.

We Each Hear Many Voices Inside Us

There are a number of voices inside each of us: parents, ancestors, trauma/wounding, childhood experiences—and truth. How do you distinguish among them?

Step One: Notice the Voices

The first thing to do in order to discern who is talking inside you is to simply notice that there are different voices you hear in your head. Many of us already know this. Some of us feel weird acknowledging it. Don’t feel weird! It’s common. These are left over from past experiences, and they can be quite powerful or “loud” when they talk. It’s normal and we can work with it. We can go beyond the voices to the truth but we need to know what to listen for.

You’re ready to go to Step Two now.


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