Focus on Your Calling Guided Meditation

Focus on Your Calling Guided Meditation

Focus on your calling in my library I take you to in the meditation so you can see more than you know about your calling. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

Focus on Your Calling Guided Meditation

RAISING CLARITY helps you claim your calling and reclaim your resources to follow it. I created our all-inclusive Claim Your Calling program for people who know their calling.

Where does this leave you if you don’t know your calling? I have an answer for you: this 11-minute guided meditation video.

An Endorsement of the Video

My soul-colleague, pain activist and educator Ma’ayan Simon has this to say about the guided meditation:

This meditation is both wonderfully inviting and straight to the point. When I started I did not know what to expect. By the end I felt peaceful and focused on my next steps to bring my calling to life. I was invigorated and felt a renewed sense of momentum. Most importantly, this meditation provided a vital opportunity to let my guidance arise naturally without “efforting” or overthinking.

A Little Background

Ma’ayan is writing her first book. That’s good to know before you read about her experience:

I loved being invited to the library and took the elevator up. My book was old and had orange-ish red-ish book cloth….it opened from right to left, like a Hebrew book.

I got nice and comfy. I very much appreciated that I did not have to only be in a chair….as I was reflecting on my question I needed more time, which I took…
[What I got in the guided meditation] was to infuse more of myself into my book and other work, and put my story at the center, rather than trying to weave my experiences around the research, etc. There was also a strong feeling more than anything that was reinforcing the importance and my power in taking up space as an authority in putting this work into the world.

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