02 Dec Gratitude for Becoming Financially Fierce (Plus: How You Can, Too)
Gratitude for the Truth
“Fierce with Reality”
You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done, which may take some time, you are fierce with reality.
I am fierce with my financial reality.
I have become a new woman financially. I truly own my emotions around money, I can handle whatever comes.
It’s Not About How Much Money You Have
How You Can Become Financially Fierce
- Track your expenses. Write down everything you spend in one place that is 50 cents or more. I do this by hand in the place I record all my main checking account expenses and deposits, plus my secondary credit card expenses and payments. All in one place is important and keeping it simple is important. This is a discipline and you want to make it as easy as you can to keep this foundational commitment to yourself. All the other steps are based on it.
- When the month is over:
- Total all the money you spent, and what you spent it on (see #4 ).
- Then total all the money that came to you.
- Subtract your expenditures from your income. Write down that number, too.
- Watch patterns emerge over the year.
- Categories: Some of mine are basic: food, utilities, gas but I want to
- know whether “food” means groceries or eating out, so I track both.
- tithe, but I also want to give gifts, so I track both.
- enjoy books, music, and museums, but I see them all as contributing to my general cultural wellbeing, so I track those purchases as one category.
- invest in my own healing and wellbeing, so I track every product or service I buy for those purposes in a category.
- invest in developing my business, so I sub-divide those into multiple categories that will give me the information I want to know month to month, year to year.
- I work with the emotions that arise as I do this. If I can help you handle your own emotions around money, earn your truth, and become financially fierce, please contact me, or comment to this post.
Testimonial and a Great Example!
I’m moved to share this wonderful testimonial for my work helping others become financially fierce–and a great story about one woman’s journey toward fierceness. Laura took my class live, which you can also take here as a video course, and has stayed in touch and most importantly continued doing the work. Her story begins:
I did something wild early this morning, something I’ve never done before. I cracked open my laptop, logged into my bank account, and transferred $200 into my savings account.
I’ve always lived on the edge, financially. Every dollar I’ve ever earned has had at least three different places it needed to go immediately, so it was always a rush to prioritize which need to fill first before the money got nickel-and-dimed away. One calamity led to the next emergency, and so on. It’s been adventurous and uncomfortable.
Here’s what led me to take a hard look at my situation and make some changes:
I believe you will love the rest of this story as much as I do, albeit for your own reasons. Maybe your own fierce reasons?!
If you’re interested in working with me to change your relationship with money, it starts with an email or an exploratory meeting which is free of charge or obligation to either of us. Happy healing!
Photo Credit: Thanks to the fiercely talented Lise Metzger!
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Posted at 12:02h, 15 December[…] financially fierce by “owning” your income and your expenses–by which I mean taking consciousness […]
Posted at 20:30h, 10 DecemberHi Beth,
Can you explain what you mean in #1 by way of how if it were you, you would record these two examples? (Referring to your sentence of “Write down everything you spend in one place that is 50 or more.”)
1 – I go to Trader Joe’s and spend $40 on food. (Is it left unrecorded?)
2 – I go to the market and spend $80, I run my card once, but some items are food and and some are bath and some are medicine. None total more than $50 for any one category. (How would you record?)
Posted at 23:45h, 10 DecemberMarissa! I’m so glad you helped me see a missing word. The word is “cents.” As in, “write down everything you spend in one place that is 50 cents or more.”
!!!I think this answers your questions!!!
I thank you again, bowing deeply to you.