23 Oct The Healing Power of Moving Money

The healing power of moving money is the beauty of flow: Christmas lights reflected on moving water, Tiburon, CA. Image by and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by Sage Ross. Gratitude to Sage as an administrator of Wikimedia Commons, which has given so much to this blog!
The Healing Power of Moving Money
Just taught a workshop by the same name as this post & feeling very smart about moving money.
Feeling like a money magician. And that flow is a great place to write you from about this idea: how healing it is to allow money to flow.
Not block, not hoard, allow and receive and release.
The healing power of moving money affirms flow.
To become money magicians, we learn to move with the stream of money–gaining and letting go, with inflow and outflow.
How to Let Money Flow
Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra is my favorite book on money flow. “Affluence” means inflow. Chopra points out that creating inflow also means allowing, even encouraging oneself to have outflow.
We teach outflow, for example:
- sometimes through what may feel like “wasting it,” indulging in luxury–libation to the gods, poured on the ground;
- philanthropy–conscious, active, and “til it feels good,” never “til it hurts”!
- release of shame over how much money we have/don’t have, raised/didn’t raise, held onto/released.
Shame is a scarcity-maker. It dams flow, pun intended. Let the waters heal and break it up.
Money moves like water in our lives if we let it. That’s why I use the above image as the “brand” for my Healing Power of Moving Money workshops. (If you would like to bring one to your community, online or in-person, please contact me.)
What is Abundance, Anyway?
Abundance comes from “wave” (look way over on the left, unda):
Money-work can cleanse us of shame about our personal and professional flow: if we have a hard time letting ourselves ever get wet, well… And if we are always soaking wet, well..
This post and my healing power of letting money flow work have benefited from conversations with several soul-colleagues: AW, AF, BC, CB, DP…thank you!
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Posted at 03:14h, 11 August[…] offered a Healing Power of Moving Money Workshop in New York City. I was really scared for some reason about the fact that I was doing it in NYC, […]
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Posted at 17:35h, 16 April[…] to affirm money outflow as well as inflow, now comes our new contribution to abundance work, “The Healing Power of Moving Money”–offered and to be offered in three states and counting! It is so exciting to be “in the […]
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Posted at 11:13h, 12 January[…] you’ve been following this blog, you may remember our first post on this. My favorite thing I noticed myself writing in that post was […]
West Beth
Posted at 01:59h, 24 OctoberJust minutes before I read this post, I chose “flow” as a very significant word.
I look forward to reading Creating Affluence!