17 Oct Spaciousness

Spaciousness. This is an “enso,” a Japanese symbol of many things, including spaciousness. From Wikimedia Commons, this calligraphy is by Kanjuro Shibata XX, uploaded by Jordan Langelier from his collection.
I feel like an amputee. My rushing is gone and nothing has come to replace it.
The Imitation of Christ* says we are not to be “fretful in matters of business.”* Even our business we should surrender. It doesn’t even matter if you believe in G-d. It matters you should consider surrender as a business strategy from time to time.
How to be empty of self-seeking in my career? How to hear highest guidance talk to me “always and at every hour; as well in small things as in great” to quote again from The Imitation of Christ, which I read for its 500-year-old radical advice: “in all things I will you to be found naked. Otherwise, how can you be Mine, and I thine?”
Allowing Spaciousness
This work-week, such naked surrender feels like (to quote Winnie-the-Pooh) “an enormous big nothing.”**
However beautiful such spaciousness may be, I (like you perhaps) can feel scared of beautiful nothing.
Creating Spaciousness
If allowing spaciousness helps me hear the highest guidance, creating spaciousness is the next move into beautiful nothing.
How to create nothing? Become roomy inside and don’t try to fill it. Winnie the Pooh’s friend Christopher Robin says it “means…listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” So I am trying out his advice this week, “not bothering” when my fear of spaciousness arises.
My biggest fear around spaciousness: it’s becoming easy. That’s what’s scaring me! This extra layer of fear lets me know I am on to something and need to let it arise rather than forcing it.
*This post is based on chapters 37, 38, 39 in Book III of The Imitation of Christ.
**Winnie-The- Pooh, A.A. Milne (1926), from chapter 5; and Christopher Robin from The House at Pooh Corner, A.A. Milne (1928), from chapter 10.
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Posted at 10:00h, 13 August[…] The third thing that’s important to do, is to ask for what you want of the higher guidance. There in your silence and spaciousness. To dive into spaciousness with me, click here. […]
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Posted at 20:19h, 03 January[…] you make a date? With yourself? To get some guidance for your New Year? Or simply some spaciousness? Think of it as a one-person teaparty. Without the tea. (Unless you’re like me and […]
danielle capillo
Posted at 12:23h, 17 OctoberI was just having a discussion about this last night with another soul colleague. We talked about how we have really big changes afoot but we are both turning away from our usual mode of moving quickly and pushing through all the details, making things happen. And instead just doing what feels right in the moment with trust, and a little trepidation, that all that needs to get done will be done because it will feel right then.
I absolutely love that you quoted Pooh and Christopher Robin. You can ask my sister who will tell you with distain that I have always loved to read those stories and they have given me great inspiration.
Thank you so much for sharing. For being vulnerable with us and putting into words what we might not articulate or may not have seen. Much love and gratitude to you!
Posted at 16:30h, 22 OctoberD, thank you so much. For some reason, I only just now saw this comment–as I came to post a new one in this series. This is so meaningful to me in its timing and content. It also feels like an affirmation meant for another soul-colleague in particular, and I am gonna share it with her! THANK YOU.