25 Sep Are you making it harder than it needs to be?: Working with the seasonal cycle–the lazy Earthling’s guide to success

Are you making it harder than it needs to be to succeed? Working with the seasonal cycle is the lazy Earthling’s guide to success. Image: John McCann on Unsplash.
The lazy Earthling’s guide to success: let the Earth pull your cart
Every Fall, I harness my desires to the energies appropriate to each season and let them do the heavy lifting:
- Fall: Planning and cleansing. Nature’s New Year. Here are all my posts about collaborating with the Fall energies!
- Winter: Avoiding frenzy. Allowing the quiet dark Earth to mature my desire-seeds. Here are all my posts about collaborating with the Winter energies!
- Spring: Supporting the seedlings I want, uprooting the sprouts of what I can now see I don’t want. Here are all my posts about collaborating with the Spring energies!
- Summer: Enjoying the fruits of my labors–powered by Earth genius. Observing what I like, don’t like, and what to plant next Fall. Here are all my posts about collaborating with the Summer and the Harvest energies!
I let the Earth pull my cart. I use the energies of each season as intended.
Why make it harder than it needs to be? Take the road of least resistance
Why fight with the Earth? Who do you think will win?
There is a simple way to work with the energies of the planet you’re living on.
Have you ever wondered whether you were making things harder on yourself than necessary? You probably are!
Are you on the road you wanted? If not, consider doing things my way. Which is the Earth’s way, too.
It will change your year
It’s not just nice.
It’s not just easy.
It actually works better.
You’ll no longer
- plan a zillion things you can’t complete.
- expect projects to succeed you neglected to nourish.
- realize suddenly you started projects you didn’t even mean to work on.
You’ll actually be able to focus, tend and ENJOY what you’ve got growing on in your life.
Learning to become a lazy Earthling only takes an hour
Allow me to teach you everything I know about becoming a smart, lazy Earthling.
I created a one-hour class for you to take online whenever you like. It will walk you step-by-step through the entire process.
First, it will guide you to look back at your past year. Then it will show you what you loved, what you never want to have happen again, and what you would love more of from this Fall to next Fall. And last, you’ll set dates with yourself to do a few important things this Fall, and the rest of the year.
Results? You’ll have a plan for what you want this year, grounded beautifully in the details of your very own life.
Honestly, when else are you going to get this done? What else could make your next year simpler?
Try it with me here. Check out the video and written description on this page.
I bless your laziness with my laziness, grateful to know how to work with the seasonal cycle and grateful to share it with you. Here are some words from someone who loved it:
I just completed it :). It was such a nourishing, deep, aligning 2 hours. I feel wonderful and really good about the upcoming year + cycle(s) :). I love the short size of this–enough to take on, not overwhelming or too much, and yet so meaningful and impactful. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!! I’m also going to send this to some of my friends/community. –ES, Missouri
If this post gave you something you needed, my sense is that you might also gain from reading this post and the others in this category.
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