05 Aug Know Which Voice Is Talking: Step Six

Know which voice is talking inside your head. There are a number of voices inside each of us. How do you distinguish among them? This is Step Six of a seven-part series. Image by Ana Flávia on Unsplash.
Know Which Voice Is Talking: Step Six
Sort out who’s talking inside your head.
In Step One, you took notice: you have voices in your head. (So do we all! Let’s learn to use them.)
Step Two taught you to address this “inner conflict.” Step Three made something extremely useful to remember very clear: you’re not any one of the voices you’re hearing! Step Four showed you a quick way to tune into the voices talking. After practicing Step Four several times, you asked a more pointed question in Step Five.
Step Six: Digging Into The Wisdom of Your Voices Talking
Step Six is using what you heard in answer to your question last time, in Step Five to help you ask a deeper or more detailed question.
(This is one good reason to start taking notes now, as I suggested in Step Five.)
Look back at the answers you got from the voices talking in Step Five, and I am sure you will be curious to know more. Make it easy for your voices talking to give you answers–keep your question fairly simple and on point. Make it clear you are following up the last question you asked. And keep taking notes!
But First: The Voices Talking Now Sound Different, Right?
Listen now to what the voices are saying. They sound different. They sound more coherent. (I know, right?)
This is because
You are beginning to *master* them.
Have you noticed?
What a Relief!
The voices talking are no longer running roughshod over your mental space. What a relief!
They will surely still clamor for attention, but they trust you to listen now. In fact, they are more coherent because you’re identifying regular voices that speak up (and noticing the ones that don’t talk as much and maybe should). So they are starting to wait their turn to speak, and becoming more coherent.
Respectful Conflict?
I don’t mean they’re becoming less conflictual.
I just mean they are becoming more respectfully conflictual as you become more respectful of them. Interesting, right?!
And they are continuing to say interesting things that surprise you. Again, listen—and take notes!
Pingback:Know Which Voice Is Talking: Step Seven - RAISING CLARITY
Posted at 13:01h, 07 August[…] Six: Digging Into The Wisdom of Your Voices Talking […]