16 Feb Schedule Time for Your Calling: Article Hot off the Press!
Setting Aside Time for Your Calling
Spiritual Directors International has just published my article, “Setting Aside Time for Your Calling” in its members-only publication Connections–and given me special permission to share this issue with you! (It’s normally reserved for SDI members. To explore joining SDI and receiving Connections as a membership benefit, click here.)
The article is in the PDF you download by clicking right here. My article is on pages 17-19. You will find much that is juicy, soulful, thought-provoking, and never before seen in this issue. I am very grateful and proud to be in such good company.
Time and Your Calling
Time is hugely important: how we use it, whether we sculpt it or feel we enslaved by it. Do we love time or dread it? I am RAISING CLARITY constantly about this core component of successful manifestation.
If we seek to accomplish anything in 3-D reality (the physical, material world of our senses), we must deal with time. And that means dealing with our attitudes toward time and how we use it.
Time for Your Calling
The point of my article is to get readers to question when and why and what they schedule–and when and why and what they don’t.
I want to help you investigate this, and consider scheduling time for your calling.
My experience leading a webinar for this same organization (recorded, affordable, and available for purchase by anyone, see that link) was that most folks did not sufficiently protect their unscheduled time. They gave their unscheduled time away to others and did not have enough for their calling.
I do not really like that. I do not like living in a world where folks don’t follow their calling. Gifts are wasting.
But that is not the only problem, because our calling was not given to us for other people. It does not exist within us just to serve others.
Your calling develops you as you develop it. That’s the Divine Curriculum at work! Even in atheists!
Last: Would You Know What to Do with Your Time?
Most members of Spiritual Directors International know what to do with their time. They just need encouragement and good reasons to schedule it.
What’s not in the article that you may need, dear reader, is what to do with time you set aside for your calling.
Do you know what to do with your time when it comes to your calling?
If not, you are probably not listening to your calling. I talk about how to do that in my blog post for Spiritual Directors International: “Follow Your Calling, the Divine Curriculum at Work.”
Once you read it, if you are eager for more, we can talk about your next steps. I have an all-included course in following your calling you might just love. Or you may simply need one of its pieces. I invite you to explore what you need with me free of charge, always, and whether I can provide it in a way that’s affordable for you.
Pingback:“Setting Aside Time for Your Calling” – Raps in French and English
Posted at 18:40h, 13 March[…] The publication is for members only but I was granted permission to share it in one location: my coaching and consulting website RAISING CLARITY: The time and money you need for your calling. […]