08 Nov What Do You Worship?
What Do You Worship?
Do you know? Let me show you how to find out: what goal, priority, value, ideal is most important to you? And now tell me: is there anything you put above that? Before that? Ahead of that? In time, energy, or your heart? If so, that is what you worship.
This post will help you become more truthful with yourself and see how to become one with your highest aims. It’s honestly quite easy once we are truthful. Seeing is almost doing, and doing is the easy part.
Why Do We Ask?
Etymologically, worship = worth-ship. That’s what “worship” means! Something’s worthiness is its “worth-ship.” This got shortened to “worship,” and there we are.
We worship what we esteem worthy. What is worthy?
Most people think they worship G-d. This post, however, calls you to question what you worship and make changes if you don’t like what you see.
What Indeed Do You Worship?
There we are indeed: what do we esteem worthy of worship? This is especially important at the holidays–and worth examining any time of year.
Here is the hard part: seeing what you truly worship. Returning to the questions we started with:
- what goal, priority, value, ideal is most important to you?
- is there anything you put above that? Before that? Ahead of that? In time, energy, or your heart?
By asking you, you may think I am being difficult, or draconian. You may think me un-modern. But I am RAISING CLARITY. I am just being clear when I say that whatever you put ahead of what’s most important to you becomes your god.
That Wasn’t So Hard to See, Was It?
So the hardest part was easy, if you were willing to give the answers. And maybe your answers please you very much, in which case, bravo! You can stop reading now, though you might comment to this post about your answers.
What’s Easy Now
What will now be easy is coming into alignment. (I kid you not. Being willing to see what you esteem most worthy is the hard part.)
What you need to do now is integrate whatever you put ahead of what is most important to you into what is most important to you.
Make what you put ahead of what’s most important to you part of what is most important to you.
How? Let me count the ways. But let me stop here for this week–and see what ideas you already have, or what questions you want to challenge me with!
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Posted at 11:17h, 22 November[…] includes money. Money doesn’t supersede my self-realization. Money is no obstacle to self-realization. It is just a worthy challenge […]