12 Oct Where are you at peace with money? (Here’s where I am.)

Where are you at peace with money? The goddess Lakshmi (by Raja Ravi Varma) of money and prosperity helps me feel at peace with money. Her lotuses remind me enlightenment and awareness can walk with money and wellbeing. She stands in the flow, at ease, rising from the lotus like Venus from the half-shell, with swans who signal enlightenment and the elephant, wisdom and auspicious beginnings. Women in India sometimes paint footprints on the pathway to their doors so Lakshmi can walk right in.
I Am at Peace with Money
This blog promotes RAISING CLARITY by being useful. Right now, I have everything I want when it comes to money:
I am at peace with money. I am doing peaceful, ethical fundraising consulting and money management coaching and it makes me really happy. I am making more than enough money. I have spacious amounts of energy and lots of time.
I Want to Assume You Are, Too
In other words, I have no “pain points,” as they call them in the marketing biz. Marketing advice is to blog about readers’ pain points to show the healing we offer. Usually, I use my own pain points to develop a blog post. So I could try to guess what your pain points are–but I’m really not interested in doing that. It feels beneath me, and you, to focus on you in that way. I love your questions, and this post is designed to elicit more of them–but I don’t think of you as primordially in pain.
Let’s Explore Peace Together
I’d like everyone to feel like I do, in fact. And it’s taken me a week to figure out that this might be an ok thing to explore here. (Last week, I just didn’t post. It took me a week to to have these thoughts: it’s ok to explore peace.)
Where are you at peace with money? And where would you like to be? Where are you so close you can see it?
Or perhaps I’ll change this state of mine, manifest some new desires that I can’t accommodate with my current time, money, and energy. That could be a good goddesslike behavior, too!
Let’s explore working together for free, without obligation to either one of us. Click here to begin.
Here is my private mission statement for RAISING CLARITY:
Manifesting big ideas and big money through light, just-enough, non-attached right work.
And here’s my Intents List:
- Easy, easy, easy. It feels easy and spacious to make my living. I have a lot of time on my hands to do good I’m not necessarily paid for, read, take time off for art and love vacations, and contemplate.
- I am at peace about not controlling the future. I live and work in the present.
- I know I am doing good work so I can relax and know I am worthy.
- I find it easy to blog in integration of SEO, focus and substance.
My Intents List is manifesting. My mission statements feel to me like they manifest. So given my new “mission statement,” my overarching feeling right now is curiosity about where RAISING CLARITY will lead me. Curiosity is a very interesting place. It’s non-attached and willing to be led.
Posted at 21:41h, 15 OctoberHi Beth,
I am at peace with money – for the first time in sooooo long, because it is coming in to support what we do both with building our education center and with earning an income in which finally, after years of raising children, I can save! Thank you for bringing the idea of peace into it. I am getting ready to write our annual appeal letter and would love to share ideas with you. You have been soooo helpful in the past with guiding the letter. Bently is getting a coat! Hugs,
Posted at 16:32h, 16 OctoberLeslie, thank you for your trust in me and your supportive words regarding the post and what it means to you. PEACE! And savings are soooo important.
Laurie Harrington
Posted at 08:17h, 13 OctoberI love this! Thanks!