12 May Identifying Your Inherited Wealth

Identifying Your Inherited Wealth: This image is called “Plenty,” by P. Gally and P. Gally. Source: Wellcome Images, uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, accessed via Creative Commons Search.
Identifying Your Inherited Wealth
I caught myself using an interesting term today in a coaching session. “You’re facing a decision that would be easy,” I said, “if you had inherited wealth. And you do have inherited wealth.”
We both knew we were talking not like this:

Real pirate treasure at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, part of a special exhibit: “Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah Gally from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship. Image by and uploaded by Theodore Scott.
but more like the wealth at the top of this post: Plenty, from many sources.
The next time you feel cornered into doing something you wouldn’t have to do if you had inherited wealth, there’s no need to fool yourself into thinking you have pirate treasure. Try this instead:
Identify your inherited wealth. Here are three places to look:
- Past lifetimes: No need to take my word for it, just consider what you have known how to do since birth. What you have been good at that not everyone else is so good at. What did you come into this lifetime knowing how to do? (Whatever you call it; my words for it are “karmic inheritance.”)
- This lifetime: Privilege; everyone has some, for example, being: white, straight (in world that’s phobic around people who aren’t heterosexual), literate, able-bodied, young (but not too young), born relatively free of trauma.
- Circumstance, accident, serendipity: Name it. Claim it.
And if your assets do include pirate treasure, claim that too. And just catch yourself and re-think: do I have inherited wealth? How could I use it to help me feel free in this situation?
That’s how it worked for us today.
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Posted at 20:21h, 08 August[…] Privilege is a blessing. Blessings are part of our abundance.We don’t deserve them! That’s why I call them “inherited wealth.” […]