14 Apr What Makes You Unique is What Your Brand DOESN’T Do

What makes you unique is what your brand doesn’t do! Divergent paths are appropriate, like in this image uploaded to geographer.uk by Jonathan Billinger. Accessed via Creative Commons Search via Wikimedia Commons.
What Makes You Unique is What Your Brand Doesn’t Do
This is a follow-on post to our last one featuring brandmaster Kurt Bartolich. Kurt is emphatic about the importance of being objective about what you do do. Asking other people what you do by surveying them really helps. (This is part of what Kurt did for me, as a consummate professional.)
I’ve always had a hard time explaining what RAISING CLARITY does. But the other thing Kurt told me when we worked together and tells us in his post is that you can use contrast and opposition to help you identify what your brand doesn’t do and thus see your brand’s unique offering more clearly.
The importance of this approach came home to me after working as an editor with Kurt’s post. I began thinking about my recent job searches in other areas of my life beyond RAISING CLARITY. I’m a masterful copyeditor, book coach and translator of published works from French to English; I’m just as intuitive, passionate and precise about commas and energetic flow of someone else’s work through my hands as I am about RAISING CLARITY’s coaching and blog posts.
I had been shoving those other gifts of mine under the RAISING CLARITY rug. For example, I quite often write and publish blog posts that have little or nothing to do with RAISING CLARITY’s brand mission on this very blog! I do this because writing them feels so satisfying. But they feel that way because I’m not giving them a proper outlet. And it makes marketing RAISING CLARITY a lot harder: it’s like showing off your gorgeous rug with these weird bumpy things stuffed in under it! And continuing to stuff the unrelated work I do under the RAISING CLARITY rug continues to sap me of the authentic satisfaction of honoring these other aspects of myself.
These other aspects give such a wonderful light by which to see that they are simply, truthfully not part of
RAISING CLARITY’s incisive, precise, intuitive work helping people vision and resource their work, heal wounds getting in their way of abundance, sculpt their time, and love themselves through wise practices.
Wow! I’ve never had such an easy time saying what RAISING CLARITY is and does!
And that’s what RAISING CLARITY blog posts should address.
And only that.
RAPS in French and English: My Other Brand
I embrace RAISING CLARITY’s unique work best by seeing how it is different from the rest of what Beth Raps does.
Beth Raps does a bunch of things. But RAISING CLARITY does one thing.
So, I’ve created another website for my editing, writing, and translation work. I’ve moved blog posts that didn’t belong here to that site, inspired by clarity about my two brands.
Promotion with Integrity
I have a much easier time promoting two distinct and clear things than one mushy bumpy thing.
Have you been doing any similar (un)clarity-making? What will you change when you can see clearly?
Pingback:Promotion with Integrity is Juicy – RAISING CLARITY
Posted at 14:25h, 04 July[…] But you do (to play our game here) “have” to choose ONE (1) idea to act on. Which will it be: the wildest? the silliest? the easiest? the least expensive? the safest? the most creative? the one you think will build the best relationships with your people? the one that gets you indelibly branded as…your brand? […]