What on Earth is Fun about Fundraising?

What on Earth is Fun about Fundraising?

people waving their hands in the air and having fun in silhouette against an orange sunset sky

What on Earth is fun about fundraising? If you have me teach your workshop, the answer is “plenty.” Image of folks having fun from Canva, photographer unattributed.

What on Earth is fun about fundraising?

By way of example, I’ll share a workshop I designed to put The FUN in Fundraising:

Questions Guiding this Workshop:

  • What on Earth is fun about fundraising?
  • Why on Earth is it important strategically to you and your donors and potential donors?
  • How would the reasons why improve your fundraising toolkit and annual planning?

Target Audience:

Anyone who is fundraising-averse, or tired of their old ways of doing things.

Many people simply hate fundraising, truth be told. The idea that there is any fun in it at all is very new. The fact is that if you are having fun, your donors are having fun right along with you and your organization or cause is more attractive to potential donors even and especially causes that are themselves not very much fun to think about, such as hunger, homelessness or violence. As Mary Poppins put it, “For every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap! the job’s a game.” I have found this to be 100% true in my 25+ years in nonprofit organizations: connect, create, and engage through finding the fun and bringing it to others.  The workshop is designed to work for readers, listeners, and kinesthetic learners. I will teach this workshop using

  • popcorn-style brainstorming among participants
  • writing down most salient examples and ideas
  • coming up together with ways they can be implemented
  • turning the floor back over to the participants to ask questions, get critical, or try further brainstorming to develop the ideas in action themselves.

Workshop Format and Design:

  • popcorn-style brainstorming among participants
  • writing down most salient examples and ideas
  • coming up together with ways they can be implemented
  • turning the floor back over to the participants to ask questions, get critical, or try further brainstorming to develop the ideas in action themselves.

Why I’m Telling You About This Workshop

Because you might just want to host me teaching it where you are!  Ask me for more information about this and other training offered by RAISING CLARITY. You’ll also find lots more examples of workshops and teaching I’ve done on fundraising at that link!


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