29 Mar The Goddess of Grants–Lori Bumgardner
Lori Bumgardner is the Goddess of Grants and the person I refer clients to when they want grantwriting.
I first noticed how good Lori was when she invited me to be part of a panel of experts she set up to strengthen a proposal she wrote to the National Science Foundation. I’ve written a proposal to the NSF–it’s arduous! Hers was stellar. She is also a comic strip artist–about grantwriting! Did you know it had comic possibilities? Check out her comic strips here.
She is also the first person I know to have written an authoritative piece on Grants for Business. She asks you email her for this free article and put “Grants for Business” in the subject line.
Two more reasons she is such a good grantwriter: her strengths in management, public policy, and research methods. If you don’t know why research methods might be helpful designing a winning grant proposal, check in with Lori!
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