Fall Video Course: The 3 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself Right Now to Plan Your Year in 1 Hour

Fall Video Course:

The 3 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself Right Now

to Plan Your Year in 1 Hour

The 3 Questions Course calmly guides you through the process I have designed to transform your coming year in just 1 hour:

    • Contemplative review of your past year
    • Prompts and guidance to help you answer The 3 Questions.
    • Supportive suggestions about how to implement your answers throughout the rest of your year.
I just watched the course and loved it. Your blessings and words of encouragement, support and permission were so fulfilling. It was wonderful!
--DK, Wisconsin

Here is a one-minute video about it.

The 3 Questions are

I just completed it. It was such a nourishing, deep, aligning 2 hours. I feel wonderful and really good about the upcoming year + cycle(s) :). I love the short size of this--enough to take on, not overwhelming or too much, and yet so meaningful and impactful.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!! I'm really excited to see what comes of all this :). And I'm also going to send this to some of my friends/community.
--ES, Missouri

How to Gain Access to the Course

The 3 Questions Course costs $30. To gain access:
Open the password-protected Course page. (It will open in a new window automatically.)
Make your payment using one of the buttons below.
After you submit payment, you will see the password appear right here with a thank-you message acknowledging receipt of your payment.
Copy and paste the password into the Course page.
Then copy the password into an email to yourself so you have it handy.
Email me if you have any questions or lose the password: [email protected]