Mastering Your Money Flow Master Course Page

Welcome to the

Mastering Your Money Flow Course

Course Outline & Written Guide

Note: This is a paid course. If you have not yet made your payment for it, please go to this page now, and make your payment. Thank you!


Thank you for using this course! Here is the way I recommend doing that.


Watch the videos module by module. Follow along in the course outline you’ll find below. You can also download a PDF of the Course Outline here.


All the Course videos are downloadable in the Course playlist on YouTube you will find here. Each video module is clearly numbered. All are private and available only to you for your personal use. Thank you!


Before starting Module 1, take the Money Archetypes Quiz. Click here to download the Money Archetypes Quiz. (It will download immediately.)


Instructions in how to score it are below the line at the very bottom of these notes. Don’t read the scoring instructions until after you’ve taken the quiz. Score it and begin watching Module 1’s video.




Before starting Module 1, take the Money Archetypes Quiz. Click here to download the Money Archetypes Quiz. (It will download immediately.)


Instructions in how to score it are below the line at the very bottom of these notes. Don’t read the scoring instructions until after you’ve taken the quiz. Score it and begin watching Module 1’s video.


Notes to Module 1 Video


Presentation of Course Purposes:


These are the purposes of our course together:
    1. Becoming financially fierce.
    2. Listening to voices in our heads about money.
    3. Learning to discern the messages money’s giving us.


Detachment will help you in this Course. Remember: You are the witness.


The Council of Selves course referred to about two minutes into the course teaches, develops, and uses your detachment. Here’s where to get that course. Note: I teach a simplified version of the Council of Selves as it applies to money in the video for Module 2 that is part of this course.


Presentation of the Money Archetypes:


    1. Innocent
    2. Victim
    3. Warrior
    4. Martyr
    5. Fool
    6. Creator/Artist
    7. Tyrant
    8. Magician


Link to blog post mentioned: “Good people do interesting things with money.”


Written Archetypes Description: Here is a quick description of each archetype you can read for free. I also describe them in my presentation of the archetypes in the video for Module 1.


You can buy the book Money Magic if you want a fuller description plus many more moneycoaching exercises. It is a wonderful workbook, so buying a used copy is fine as long as it doesn’t have writing in it. (This is usually mentioned in the used book description or the word “clean” is used.)


Close of Module 1: Homework


Financial Tracking


Pay close attention to the information I give on the financial tracking homework you should do before you watch Module 2 (and ideally for the rest of your life). Use this form, or one that you prefer. If you already use an accounting program, for example, you can easily adapt it to show you the information I want you to see in your financial tracking homework. Note that the link I’m giving you is a Google doc you can only view, and download. You don’t need a Google account to download it. Please of course always email me if you have any problems with any aspect of this course, including this one! My email address is [email protected]


Blog post mentioned during the introduction in the video to the financial tracking homework “Becoming Financially Fierce.” This blog post is about how it feels to be fierce with my tracking truth (as well as other kinds of money truth).


Optional (and very much recommended):


Journal about your feelings that come up doing the financial tracking homework. Use your preferred way of journaling.






Notes to Module 2 Video


Explanation of why we are doing financial tracking  and what it has to do with becoming “financially fierce.


There is both numerical and emotional truth. This course deals in and develops both.


The Council of Selves as it applies to money:


Doing the Council of Selves as it applies to money is a step that helps us prepare to hear money’s wisdom messages. Before we can hear money’s wisdom, we have to tune into what the voices in our head are saying to us so we can develop discernment about who’s talking.


Close of Module 2: Homework


Council of Selves:


Do the Council of Selves practice as it applies to money. Use the practice taught here in Module 2.


Optional (and very much recommended):


Continue your financial tracking each week!






Notes to Module 2 Video


Detachment will help you discern the voices in your head from wisdom money is giving you. Listening to what you hear (using the Council of Selves as it applies to money–it can really help you tune in). Then reflect on them, and think deeply about them, even analyze them.


Remember that if it sounds harsh, it’s probably not money talking. Look at your Quiz scores again, look at who else might be talking!


Guided Meditation:


Meeting Money Guided Meditation.


Close of Module 3: Homework


Optional (and very much recommended):


Continue your financial tracking!


And continue to take the Quiz every so often. Every month at the beginning; every quarter, perhaps once a year as you grow in money flow mastery. Date it each time(for your records).

How to Score the Money Archetypes Quiz

(Don’t read these instructions until after you’ve taken the quiz.)
To score the Quiz, count up all your answers that have a number 1 after them. Make a note of the total number of 1s.
Do the same for all  your answers that have a number 2 after them. Total them up and make a note of the total number of 2s.
Do this for all eight numbers. Don’t worry if you don’t have all eight numbers represented! I address this below.
If your answer has more than one number after it, count it as each of the numbers it has after it. For example, an answer that has the numbers 3, 4, and 7 after it would count as a number 3, and a number 4, and a number 7.
 Once you have counted up all your number 1s, number 2s, number 3s, number 4s, number 5s, number 6s, number 7s, and number 8s, here is what the numbers represent–a large score in one number (relative to all your other scores) means that archetype is speaking “loudly” and has a strong influence on your relationship with money:
1 = The Innocent Archetype
2 = The Victim Archetype
3 = The Warrior Archetype
4 = The Martyr Archetype
5 = The Fool Archetype
6 = The Creator/Artist Archetype
7 = The Tyrant Archetype
8 = The Magician Archetype.
My presentation about each of these archetypes is in the Module 1 video.
You can also read more about each of them here, on the website of Money Coaching Institute. I am certified as a moneycoach by the Institute, and authorized to use the Quiz by them. The Quiz is copyrighted, and given here only for your personal use. Please feel free to use it again and again, and watch your scores change to become healthier and healthier as a result of using this course. My recommendation is that you date your scores each time you take them to help you watch yourself progress in this way.
Note that getting a zero in some archetypes sometimes means that archetype is your shadow, and you are trying to remain unaware of it. It may simply mean that’s not an archetype that is very prominent or “loud” in your make-up.
Getting a low score such as a 1 probably means it’s just not an archetype that’s very “loud” for you.