Summer Video Course: Harvesting the 3 Fruits of Summer

Welcome to Our Summer Video Course:

Thank you for trusting me to grow your abundance! Summer energies are little understood in our culture. We don’t learn how to receive deeply and that is a huge lesson of Summer. The heat makes us want to do less–and we should honor that, not push forward “like normal.”

Each season offers us a unique chance to collaborate with the natural energies. Summer is no different. We may think we know how to enjoy it, but do we really even know what enjoyment means?

How deeply do we allow ourselves to receive? This video shows you how to truly receive the abundance of Summer in your life, how to harvest it, and how to use your awareness to grow and bank your abundance this Summer. And that all starts with enjoyment.

Enjoyment is centered upon the word joy. Joy is actually a quiet fullness, a peaceful presence you allow to grow within you. The first way this video helps you enjoy Summer is its utterly unique tone and flavor: you can see me completely at rest, yet actively offering the information in this video. Your own body will calm and soothe as it notices and entrains to this energy. This is the energy we want to embody in Summer. It makes everything else I talk about in the video possible and even more enjoyable.

The next activity I offer is a teaching on abundance, which is also misunderstood. To fully embrace our abundance, we must embrace everything we’re receiving in our lives. I offer important pointers in how to do that you might have missed in the past, and allow you time in the video for a writing prompt or simply a thinking and reflection period to bring your awareness to your abundance. This is vital to growing it: what we focus on, we receive more of. And I want you to have all the abundance that is yours.

Next, we look at what harvesting actually means and how to do it. Summer is the end of Nature’s year. Fall begins with a clean slate–we can start now to think of our abundance as something we can bank (not hoard!) for the coming year. There is also a pause prompt here for your writing, drawing or simply reflecting.

Last, we close with a focus on awareness: how to use your awareness to have more abundance and to harvest, yes–but how to allow yourself to close the year with even more abundant awareness than you may have begun it. My awareness of the year-end nature of the Summer seasonal energies leads me to some surprising conclusions quite naturally, because my relaxed state allows them. I offer you the fruits of Summer’s genius I have received–in the belief it will utterly inspire you to your own greatest genius.

Enjoy! and harvest in beauty.

Questions? Email me: [email protected] 

And I always love knowing what you think of my videos, so email me about that, too!